Remote monitoring Solution is a way to assure the key equipment to run properly and safely. A remote monitoring system based on GPRS/GPS wireless communication was developed to continuously monitor the equipments placed at remote areas.
Other solution offered in remote monitoring solution is GMS (Generator Monitoring System). This system helps to keep a track on the overall performance of the DG sets placed in remote areas by generating reports in form of dashboards that consist of time to time information about the generator. Generating reports help in energy conservation. (If a report explains about fuel level means it has the data of the amount fuel used, fuel wasted, and fuel to be used).
Remote monitoring solution also includes Vehicle Tracking System which is used to keep a track on your vehicle by using GPS/GPRS technology. This system gives you all the information about your vehicles anytime / anywhere all across the world.
Features :
- Reduce maintenance costs
- Reduces risk of downtime
- Improved availability
- Remote Start/Stop capability
- Asset management program
- Asset location via GPS/GPRS
- Theft detection and recovery