The Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) panel has wide range of features with generator start, Stop, monitoring and protection facilities. It utilizes advanced construction techniques to provide a compact and highly specified Panel. The Generator controller module in this panel monitors availability of power from Electricity Board and in case of any failure or under/over voltage (user settable) it Automatically starts the DG after a certain time (which is user settable), and shifts the load on DG, after shifting the load it continuously Monitors the healthiness of it. In case of any faults like Low Lube Oil pressure, High coolant Temperature and belt loose conditions it trips the DG and indicates via LEDs, and any alarm can be extended via its potential free contacts. It continuously monitors the status of Mains Supply if it returns then it shifts the load on mains with proper recool time for DG (User settable). It has manual operation mode also to bypass the module and panel can be operated via front panel push buttons, selector switch and crank key. The panel provides a comprehensive set of timers and functions, and access to the setting can be performed via three front push buttons.

  • 1) Automatic and manual mode of operation.
  • 2) Automatic Generator Starting and Stopping sequence.
  • 3) Automatic Shutdown during any DG fault condition as Low oil Pressure, High coolant Temperature.
  • 4) Fault indication via LED and Potentials free contacts.
  • 5) Generator Controller Configurable Via front panel feather touch push buttons.
  • 6) Configurable Start/Stop and Warm-up/Cooling Timers Settings.