Field of Expertise
Remote Asset Monitoring solutions.
Remote Asset MAnagement solutions.
Embedded software development.
Electronic /Electrical hardware design.
Site Management services for telecom.
Utility Automation Equipments for telecom industry.
Application /web based software development.
SCADA and security solutions.

Technology Expertise
Linux Device Drivers.
C/C++ for small footprint Linux.
Serial Programming for Modems, Bluetooth, IrDA, GPS etc.
J2EE based Application servers and frameworks.
MS SQL Server, Oracle for back end programming.
Distributed systems, network applications.
AJAX enabled rich user interfaces.
Wireless sensor network, RFID.
GSM/GPRS, serial, TCP/IP communications.
Distributed systems and network programming.
Rabbit/ARM/Cyprus/Atmel microcontrollers.
(8/16/32) bit micro controllers.
EDA 3.2 for circuits & schematic design.
Protel and Eagle for PCB design.
KEIL for Embedded software development.
Auto Cad 14000/2006.